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Relax! Easy Ways to Save Energy

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Why do now what you can put off until later? Well, at some point you’re going to have to do it, so if you’re the slacking type, doing just enough to get by, and even though, only when absolutely necessary… this guide is for you.

You don’t have to make dramatic changes in life that take hours to calculate. You can save energy (and money) at the same time by making some relatively easy changes.

1. Take a Vacation…in Your Recliner

Relax! Easy Ways to Save Energy

Do you have some extra vacation time to use up? If you go on a jet, that can use the same amount of carbon dioxide that your home and car use – during the entire year! Jets also kick out other pollutants besides carbon dioxide that may be just as damaging, or even worse. So, you may be saving even more energy than you think.

2. This Looks Like a Job For…Someone Else

Weatherproofing your home…who wants to do that? You can quickly reduce the environmental impact your home makes by having it weatherproofed by a professional. If it’s not already insulated, that could add a huge amount of savings too.

3. Avoid the Commute

You had better take the train, bus, or carpool with friends to work, but that’s going to cost you more time and some inconvenience in coordinating schedules. If you can stay motivated and productive while working from home, try to talk your boss into the idea. Show him/her one of the many studies which demonstrate working from home results in happier, more productive employees. See if you can get a trial period to test it out, if nothing else.

Then, you can work from that recliner… and save the planet by not using all that gasoline at the same time.

4. Let Your Car Do it for You

The main process that burns gas in any vehicle is acceleration. So, if you keep your speed as constant as possible by using cruise control, then your car is going to be more efficient. Some new cars use “adaptive cruise control,” which measures how far the vehicle is from other cars and then modifies speed accordingly.

Can’t wait ‘till they make cars that drive themselves for you, can you?

5. Put that Dishwasher to Work

Make sure you run it when it’s full. It actually uses around 33% less water than washing dishes by hand, but only if the dishwasher is filled to the brim.

Wow, saving energy and money has never been so easy! Which of these tips are you going to implement today?

For one of the easiest ways to save energy, switch to Payless Power for pre-paid electricity! Offering low-cost energy plans to suit both residential and business needs, Payless Power is a company committed to providing people with some of the best electricity rates in Texas, but also with helpful customer service. Visit the website to learn more about how to save electricity at home, or connect with the online community on FacebookTwitterYouTube, and Pinterest.

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Llevo 2 años disfrutando del servicio. Al principio, este servicio iba a ser temporal, pero al ser tan eficaz para mí, decidí mantenerlo a largo plazo. Soy un cliente satisfecho.

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